iRecord’s review of verification terms

Written by Martin Harvey, John van Breda and David Roy

The Biological Records Centre (BRC) maintains a central database to store records arriving from a range of websites and apps, including iRecord and many Indicia-based systems. This data is then made available via iRecord to verifiers from recording schemes (including Vice-County Recorders that may also be affiliated to Local Record Centres) and projects so that the records can be checked, and the verification status and associated information can be documented.  We are hugely grateful to the highly expert verifiers who take on this role in a voluntary capacity; almost 400,000 records have been reviewed to date.
Initially there were just three options available to verifiers: records could be flagged as Verified, Queried or Rejected. Many verifiers had asked for additional options to be included, and a review of the terminology used in other recording systems showed that many used a wider range of terms – the precise wording varies, but similar principles were in use in many places. Following the review a new set of terms was proposed for use in iRecord, and BRC consulted over how best these could be implemented.

Verification terms and definitions
iRecord is now using a two-tier approach for verification terms, although what verifiers actually see when they go to iRecord will still be a single set of terms that they can apply to each record. Verifiers can choose whether to use the expanded set of “status 2” terms or stick with the “status 1” terms, which are equivalent to the terms previously in use within iRecord.
Verification status 1 Verification status 2 Accepted Correct Considered correct Not accepted Unable to verify Incorrect Unconfirmed Plausible Not reviewed  

The main differences that are introduced in the status 2 terms are that it will now be possible to distinguish between records where the verifier has different levels of confidence.  For example, in cases where a photo has been provided to confirm the ID the verifier may mark this as Correct, while for records where the verifier has not seen a photo but considers the record to be correct based on the species, location, time of year and person recording etc., they can mark the record as Considered Correct. In a similar way, a record with a photo that is incorrectly identified can be marked as Incorrect, while a record that seems likely to be incorrectly identified, but has no associated photo can be marked as Unable to verify.
In addition, the status 2 terms introduce a new concept for records that are considered Plausible. This category enables a status to be given to records where there is no reason to doubt the record based on species, location and time of year, but where the record is from a recorder who may not have access to the resources and experience needed to make a fully confirmed identification.
For those schemes and projects that supply data direct from iRecord to the NBN Gateway, only Accepted records (that is, Correct and Considered correct) will be passed on. Schemes and projects that download data into their own systems can choose whether or not to retain Plausible records.
Thanks to everyone who responded to the review and consultation – we had responses from 70 people, which greatly helped in steering the changes. For more information, see the iRecord verifier’s guidance document.
If you are interested in contributing to the verification within iRecord please email 

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