BioD Services Ltd was set up to help the NBN Trust develop the Network through contractual work and was incorporated as a company limited by shares in 2001. You can find out more about the financial side of things by downloading the latest NBN Trust Annual Report
There has been a recent change in Directorship, which is detailed below.
Dr Pat Doody – outgoing Director
Pat began work with the Nature Conservancy in 1973, after having completed a PhD at Durham University on the population dynamic of some of the Teesdale rarities. In 1979, he moved to Huntingdon firstly as the coastal specialist in the Chief Scientist Team and later, following reorganisation of the Nature Conservancy Council in 1991 became Head of the Coastal Conservation Branch of the Joint Nature Conservation Committee.
Pat became a Director of BioD Services soon after leaving the JNCC and becoming an independent coastal ecological consultant. He has published numerous scientific papers, three coastal ecological textbooks and carries out coastal advisory work. He lives in Brampton near Huntingdon and is currently Chair of the Wildlife Trust Huntingdonshire Local Group.
Dr David Parker – incoming Director
Dr David Parker is an independent consultant ecologist based in north-west England, dividing his time between consultancy commissions and working for the voluntary sector.
David has a life-long interest in natural history, ecology and recording. He has a degree in Zoology and a botanical PhD on the ecology and taxonomy of mountain saxifrages. He then worked, from 1981-1998 as an environmental consultant, firstly at the University of Liverpool and then in the private sector, specialising on ecological survey, environmental impact assessment and the restoration of polluted and damaged land.
He worked from 1998-2013 for the Countryside Council for Wales, a public body responsible for the stewardship of the wildlife and landscapes of Wales. CCW was merged into a new single body, Natural Resources Wales, in 2013. As CCW’s Chief Scientist , he was responsible for biodiversity policy, designated sites and advising Government on the ecosystem approach to manage Welsh land and seas. He was also responsible for biological recording and the evidence base at CCW and, in this role, he was an NBN Trustee from 1999-2011.
David is currently a trustee of the British Trust for Ornithology, Plantlife International, Natur Cymru, Landlife and Eurosite, Chair of the Dee Estuary Conservation Group, and a member of the Natural Environment Panel of the National Trust. He is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (FCIEEM), and was its President from 1998-2000. He also finds time to be a field naturalist and has been a WeBS (Wetland Bird Survey) recorder on the Dee Estuary for 36 years and is a volunteer for the National Plant Monitoring Scheme.