NBN draft Strategic Action Plan 2015-2020 released for comment

The Action Plan describes the 104 actions that the NBN Secretariat and Network members have proposed are necessary to achieve the Network’s vision, aims and objectives.

The new Network vision is that “Biological data collected and shared openly by Network members are central to the UK’s learning and understanding of its biodiversity and are critical to all decision-making about nature and the environment”.

The 21 objectives of the NBN Strategy are listed in this document and for each, a number of actions are identified. For each action the relative priorities and the timescale over which the action should be undertaken are provided.  A consultation process will establish the roles and responsibilities of NBN members in delivering these actions.

The Action Plan has been sent to all NBN Trust members and data providers, as well as others involved in the Network.

Implementation of the Action Plan

Consultation on this Action Plan is now being carried out. The purpose of this is to confirm priorities and to determine roles and responsibilities for implementing the actions (and to identify what is already being done by members). 


People or organisations are being asked whether they want to lead or take a partner role in implementing the actions in this Plan. 


Working Groups will be established for each Strategic Aim to oversee delivery of objectives and actions. The Secretariat will coordinate regular meetings of these groups to bring together teams of people that have identified themselves as having a role. Working Groups for some actions may also be established where there are multiple lead and partner organisations vested in delivering an action. 

A positive response at this stage, doesn't mean that you are definitely committing to being involved in the future  
Please note that whilst we are asking respondents to give an idea of how involved they would like to be in taking the actions forward as part of this consultation process, at this stage we are just trying to get an idea of who may wish to be involved, as well as to understand what work is already being carried out across the Network.  We are not taking your response as a firm commitment to being involved, so please don't worry that a positive response now means that we will hold you to anything in the future.   Please see it as an expression of interest and we will assess all the feedback when it is in and contact those who wish to be involved further to discuss the next steps.

Likewise, if you do not feel that you have the capacity to be involved at this stage, it doesn't mean that you will not have chance to be involved at some point in the future.

We appreciate the resource implications of completing this feedback and we do value your time and input.  We have asked for responses by email by Monday 22nd June and hope that as many of you as possible will be able to achieve this.  If you have any queries email support@nbn.org.uk 


Regular progress updates will be provided on the website and an annual review will be undertaken to track overall progress towards realising the NBN Strategy 2015-2020.

Download the NBN Strategic Action Plan 2015-2020


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