NBN Strategy 2015-2020 – First draft for consultation

We are pleased to be sharing with you the first draft of the new NBN Strategy, which is the result of work carried out over the last six months, in which many of you have been involved.

The NBN Strategy seeks change in how biological data in the UK are collected, verified, managed, analysed, disseminated and used.  The Strategy sets out five Strategic Aims, 21 objectives and some initial priorities to achieve the new vision that: “Wildlife data collected and shared openly by the Network are central to the UK’s learning and understanding of its biodiversity and are critical to all decision-making about nature and the environment.”

NBN Strategy 2015-2020 First draft for consultation – February 2015

This Strategy is being sent to everyone on the NBN database and it contains a series of questions which we would appreciate your response to.  The questions are contained within the main document, but are also presented separately in an editable Word document.  You can simply enter your details and comments in the grey boxes.  Please make sure that you “enable editing” or “enable content”, if requested to do so when opening the Word document, as this will ensure you can complete the form. The link below takes you to the questions.

NBN Strategy questions for completion

This first draft consultation is the initial stage in finalising the NBN Strategy.  In conjunction with this, a five-year Action Plan is also being developed. This will outline the objectives and priority actions for each Strategic Aim and will be published in spring 2015.  We will engage with all members over the development of this, as well as roles and responsibilities for implementation of the Action Plan, in due course.

We hope you will give feedback on the NBN Strategy, as your responses will help us to prepare a final document to be published in April 2015.  Please send your completed forms or general comments to support@nbn.org.uk and please make sure we receive them by Friday 27 February, in order for them to be incorporated into a summary document and influence the final Strategy.

The collaborative nature of the Network is truly reflected in the NBN Strategy 2015-2020 and we hope that everyone involved feels that they are part of a very exciting stage in the further development of the NBN.

Thank you for your ongoing support and feedback.

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