CEDaR turns 20!

CEDaR, the Centre for Environmental Data and Recording was established in 1995 by the Ulster Museum, with the active support of the Environment and Heritage Service, as the Local Environmental Records Centre for Northern Ireland. The aim of CEDaR is to collect, store and disseminate information on the distribution of flora and fauna as well as geological sites within Northern Ireland and its coastal waters. It will give advice and information on how to record local flora and fauna, and provide links to local groups and societies. CEDaR has contributed a number of datasets to the NBN Gateway and the list of these can be viewed here


To mark this 20 year milestone there will be a programme of events throughout 2015 including a lecture series, a conference and a photographic exhibition.

Lecture Series

There will be a series of free lectures, held in the Lecture Theatre, Ulster Museum. The speakers are pivotal in key aspects of biological recording and the application of datasets. They are experienced naturalists and leaders in their field and their talks will broadly cover their careers.


Each lecture is free and commences at 18:30 and will end at 21:00 with refreshments and an opportunity to network.


Tuesday 17th February

Dave Allen – Putting dots on maps – 35 years in Ireland


Wednesday 3rd March

Phil Davidson – Nature conservation from Lough Neagh to Slieve Donard: 36 years of managing, learning and sharing.


There will be a conference held in the Lecture Theatre, Ulster Museum on Saturday 21st March.


This conference is already highly anticipated with “A whole day of talks from a variety of recorders and environmental NGOs looking back over the last 20 years of working with the Centre for Environmental Data and Recording with a reception event in the evening.”


The conference programme can be found here.


A photographic and artwork exhibition is being planned for the Belfast Room, Ulster Museum in March.

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