The UK Environmental Observation Framework unveils the upgraded Catalogue

An upgraded version of the UKEOF Catalogue is being launched on 25th June. The UKEOF Catalogue provides access to information about environmental observations, offering a unique UK overview of monitoring programmes across the public, private and non-profit sectors. The new version of the Catalogue will enable easier access to more up to date information and help to facilitate joint working.

An exciting new feature of the Catalogue is a mapping search tool. This will allow users to see where environmental observations are being carried out in a certain area, find out where facilities are located or look at the coverage of a specific programme. Other improvements also allow users access to new information such as:
–          Which activities are involved in a specific monitoring network
–          Which organisation operates in a particular monitoring site
–          How many sites collect data for a monitoring programme
–          How many monitoring sites an organisation operates in
–          Where the data collected can be accessed e.g. NBN Gateway

The Catalogue needs input from the community to ensure that the records are up to date. This will help facilitate decision-making that is based on up to date and relevant information. The non-profit sector provides a significant number of the records in the Catalogue, and to gain a full picture of environmental observations in the UK, we are encouraging organisations to update their records. Every organisation can now update its own records using the new editor tool. The Ladybird Recording Scheme is a great example of how the UKEOF Catalogue links to NBN.

If your records are in need of updating, or if you would like to add records to the Catalogue, contact the UKEOF secretariat to get a username and password.

More information about UKEOF can be found on the website

Example of the map search function in the Catalogue

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