River Restoration Centre workshops – respond by 24 March

The River Restoration Centre is planning to run a number of training workshops during the next financial year on the following topics:


1.     Workshop A: Working with natural processes for sustainable flood risk and other benefits 

2.     Workshop B:  Setting project and monitoring objectives to demonstrate where and why river restoration or river management has multiple benefits

3.     Workshop C:  Best practice river restoration design:  getting to grips with the links between hydro-morphology and ecology

4.     Workshop D: Valuing ecosystem services for river and floodplain restoration and natural flood risk schemes


It would like to find out if you are interested in attending one or more of the workshops.

Based on current interest received, the location of these workshops are in southern England. If there is sufficient interest in organising workshops in other locations it will be happy to arrange these.  It is also interested in establishing if there are other workshop topics you think are important.

These workshops will be of interest to anyone who wants to understand more about these key topic areas and the final programme will be designed around your needs. 

The RRC would be grateful if you could complete the very short questionnaire and return it (rrc@therrc.co.uk) by Monday 24th March 2014.  For further details on the technical training workshops please click here.

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