BIAZA Spotted on Site

BIAZA Spotted on Site (SoS) is a campaign for BIAZA (British and Irish Association of Zoos and Aquariums) members in collaboration with iNaturalistUK and the NBN Trust. Staff and volunteers from member sites will be using the iNaturalist app to record native species found around the various BIAZA sites, for easy to use data which feeds into projects across the UK, Europe, and the world.

The campaign is designed to give an insight into just how biodiverse the natural BIAZA areas can be.

Zoo or Aquarium? Get involved

To encourage more records, BIAZA has created a one-off weekend to bring all hands on deck for species recording!

A new SoS campaign has been set up on iNaturalist specifically for the weekend of 28 April – 1 May. All species records will count towards both the Bioblitz and the main Spotted on Site umbrella campaign, but SoS Bioblitz will have its own leaderboard.

It’s the perfect chance for zoos and aquariums to encourage members of the public to join staff and volunteers in discovering and logging native species on their sites.

For sites which are signing up for the City Nature Challenge – you won’t need to pick a campaign, your records will automatically be applicable to both SoS Bioblitz and City Nature Challenge for that period of time.

If your zoo/aquarium hasn’t yet joined Spotted on Site, now’s the chance! Visit the BIAZA website for more information and how to sign up.

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