Written by Michael Pocock, UKCEH
To help wildlife recorders make the most of their time out recording insects, the Biological Records Centre at UKCEH has created the Targeting Revisits Maps to guide people to where records of some of these species are most needed to support analysis of trends in distributions.
A Targeting Revisits Map shows the pattern of recording in 1km grid squares and highlights squares that are ‘well recorded’ (with records from more than one year) and squares that are ‘targets for revisits’ (with records from only one year in the past). Can you visit squares and make records, and so turn the pink squares green?
We have Targeting Revisits Maps for:
- Grasshoppers and bushcrickets
- Craneflies
- Ground beetles
- Soldierflies
- Ladybirds (new for 2022)
When visiting a location (whether green, pink or blank on the Targeting Revisits Maps), we encourage you to search well and record all the species that you can see for that taxonomic group. Submit your records via iRecord (website, or the apps available for iOS and Android) and they will appear on the Targeting Revisits Maps almost immediately, and be available to be verified by experts.
Targeting Revisits Maps is funded by Joint Nature Conservation Committee. The tool and approach is complementary to the DECIDE Tool, a related project at UKCEH.
For more information see the BRC website.