Are you involved in or interested in citizen science in places across Europe? or Do you have experience of pollinator conservation or research?
If so, The SPRING* project (Strengthening Pollinator Recovery through INdicators and monitorinG) would value your input to its survey – Supporting Pollinator Citizen Science Across Europe.
How can we develop citizen science to inform and support pollinator conservation across Europe? First we need to know about the current conditions that support citizen science in different countries. This is where you can help.
In this survey, you will be asked for your opinions about the cultural, scientific, and economic factors that might hinder or assist successful citizen science in your country or region (where you live or where you have experience). It will also ask about your perspectives on pollinator citizen science in your country (but you don’t need to be an expert in pollinators to take part). The information from this survey will be used to help prioritise how pollinator citizen science is supported in countries across Europe.
Take the survey
The survey should take approximately 15 minutes to complete and is available until midnight on 7 March.
* SPRING is funded by the European Union Directorate General for the Environment to support a European pollinator survey.