Two projects led by UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (UKCEH) are providing information for wildlife recorders to help them choose where to record – based on where records are most valuable. Both projects invite your feedback and involvement.
DECIDE is a two year project, with a host of partners, that is developing new ways to target wildlife recording to the places where records are most needed to optimally improve fine-scale (100m) maps of species distributions (currently for butterflies and some moths). UKCEH is inviting wildlife recorders to explore the maps, provide feedback as part of a co-design process, and sign up for news. During this winter, UKCEH will also be working with decision-makers and users of biodiversity information, so sign up to find out how you can be involved.
Targeting Revisits Map
The Targeting Revisits Map shows users where UKCEH has records for taxa in only one year in the recent past. Revisiting those sites is valuable to provide information for analyses of trends in biodiversity. It is currently available for grasshoppers & crickets, ground beetles, soldierflies and craneflies.
It might be too late in the year to do much recording, but please try it out; UKCEH would really appreciate your feedback to refine and develop these maps.