A new software licence for Recorder 6 was launched at the end of October, to fund new maintenance and development arrangements. More information can be found in the announcement on the NBN Forum.
Recorder 6
Recorder 6 is a long-established software tool for entering, collating and exchanging records of species and habitats. It was designed as a companion to the forerunner to the NBN Atlas, the NBN Gateway, and built to NBN Standards. It is used by a range of organisations including local environmental record centres, conservation organisations and recording groups, schemes and societies, as well as some individual biological recorders.
The new arrangements
Under the new arrangements, maintenance and development of Recorder 6 will be funded and steered by users. A Recorder 6 Steering Group has been set up, with representatives from across the Recorder 6 user community, to make decisions on how funding from Recorder 6 users is allocated.
Recorder 6 users are encouraged to support these new arrangements by purchasing a Recorder 6 licence, which costs £250 for organisations or £25 for individuals. The licence period is aligned to the financial year, so licences purchased now will run until 31 March 2020. Payments are being handled through the NBN website and 100% of the funding received will be spent on Recorder 6 maintenance and development. Users are also invited to share and comment on development ideas, on a new ‘Recorder 6 Ideas’ Trello board. Read more about the Recorder 6 Trello board
New copies of Recorder 6 can be purchased from Sally Rankin for £30.00, you can find further details on the Recorder 6 Consortium website. New users will receive the latest version of Recorder 6, but will need to pay the annual licence fee in order to access dictionary updates and future version releases.
Find out more
There are plans for a Recorder 6 stand at the NBN conference on 13 & 14 November, so if you’re there do come over and have a chat.