Call for abstracts for YOUMARES9 Conference

The YOUng MARine RESearchers 9 (YOUMARES9) conference will take place at Carl von Ossietzky University in Oldenburg (Germany) from the 11-14th September 2018.

The conference includes the following session dedicated to exploring the diversity of marine citizen science and ‘voluntourism’ research:

Could citizen scientists and voluntourists be the future for marine research and conservation?

Estimates show that over 10 million people per year are involved in citizen science and more recently ‘voluntourism’ projects, which extend from ocean floor to the Milky Way and cover almost everything in-between. Public participation in scientific research has the potential to broaden the scope of research, enhance the ability to collect data, and foster increased public awareness of research importance. This session aims to explore marine research conducted by volunteers around the world, highlight successes and challenges across different participatory research projects, and discuss the role of public participation in driving future marine research, conservation and management.

How to contribute

If you would like to contribute your research outcomes to the session, please submit your abstract for an oral and/or poster presentation and a short CV to before the deadline on the 31st May 2018.

More information about the conference can be found on the YOUMARES website.

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