Further to our exciting news story in January, that the NBN Atlas had helped with the discovery of a new species for the UK, Hermaea cantabra, we are thrilled to confirm that another new species has been found!
This new species is Hermaea paucicirra and, once again, the find comes from Dave Fenwick. Dave was browsing some of his photographs and found unlabelled images of another Hermaea from different sites to those already listed for the species.
Dave sent the images to Dr. Manuel Caballer Gutierrez of the Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, France, who helped with the first identification, and he confirmed that they weren’t Hermaea cantabra and that they were in fact Hermaea paucicirra! Chris Raper of the UK Species Inventory has confirmed that this is another new species for the UK.
In Dave’s words “The NBN has technically helped with two new species and not just one! Through the links I’ve made with Dr Caballer, who spotted Hermaea cantabra when he was looking at the NBN Atlas, we now have another new species for the UK. Isn’t that good!”
Like Hermaea cantabra, the species is of southern origin. Both species may be temporary migrants, but it is likely that both species are now resident and will continue to extend their northern range.
The records are as follows-
Hermaea paucicirra. Newlyn Harbour, Newlyn, Cornwall. SW4663828450.
06.05.15. Two specimens found in a scrape sample from a slipway support.
Verified from images by Dr. Manuel Caballer Gutierrez, 15.02.18.
Hermaea paucicirra. Newlyn Marina, Newlyn, Cornwall. SW4645028610.
29.08.15. One specimen from samples of marine fouling. Verified from images by Dr. Manuel Caballer Gutierrez, 15.02.18.
As with Hermaea cantabra, the first new species to be identified, specimens will be collected and sent to France for molecular analysis.