Researchers are invited to apply to work for up to four months on Valuing Nature topics in a new disciplinary, institutional or applied setting. £130k is available to support the placements.
This scheme was first run in 2016 and was described by Placement Holders as a transformative experience. You can find out more about this by viewing the summaries and videos from the 12 Placements funded in 2016.
The placements support the Valuing Nature Programme’s aim of building an interdisciplinary research community capable of working across the natural, biological and social sciences and arts and humanities, and to link researchers to businesses, policymakers and practitioners.
The call is open to all researchers, but applications are particularly encouraged from early career researchers and researchers without a permanent contract of employment.
The Valuing Nature “offers platform” allows potential hosts or candidates to add their ideas for Placements to the Valuing Nature website. You can also see the offers added so far or add your own offer
Further details on this opportunity can be found on the Valuing Nature website