NBN Atlas brief update

The country portals to the NBN Atlas continue to progress well.


We held the first Steering Group meeting for the NBN Atlas Wales on the 29th July. This positive meeting identified potential areas of development, which will be discussed in greater technical detail at the next Steering Group meeting at the end of September.

Northern Ireland

We are also in discussions with CEDaR and the NIEA (Northern Ireland Environment Agency) about the development of the NBN Atlas Northern Ireland. We will be travelling to Belfast to discuss the project plan and timescales in early August.

NBN Atlas – the name

The new Atlases will all have the pre-fix “NBN” to ensure consistency of branding and strengthening of the NBN name.  Therefore, the various portals will be known as follows:

  • NBN Atlas – the overarching Atlas and underlying database
  • NBN Atlas England
  • NBN Atlas Northern Ireland
  • NBN Atlas Scotland
  • NBN Atlas Wales

We will be bringing you updates on the NBN Atlas as they happen via the NBN Forum – the place to also post your comments and feedback – and by an NBN Atlas blog in due course.

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