Open Licencing of Local Species Data Grant

Funding under the Open Licencing of Local Species Data grant is now open for applications.

Defra and Natural England are committed to supporting the development of open data for the benefits it will bring in terms of greater transparency of decision-making and benefits to the rural economy and society, such as increased opportunities for innovation. We want to support organisations who work locally with volunteer biological recorders to collate, manage and share species observations, to encourage them to share this data for the benefit of the wider biodiversity conservation, academic and educational community. This grant opportunity is provided to support local organisations (and/or groups of local organisations) who collate, manage and share species records, and who support local biological recording by volunteers, to make their species data more widely available for biodiversity conservation by publishing it via the NBN Gateway using an appropriate open data licence.

Find out more about the grant

This opportunity is only published through Defra’s BRAVO system and to ensure that you have access to the invitation to apply please do one of the following:

1.If your organisation is registered on BRAVO but you cannot remember your logon details please contact the BRAVO helpdesk for assistance:

2.If your organisation is not registered on BRAVO please follow the instructions below and register as soon as possible.

Please note that registration is a one off action although the management of your BRAVO account is your responsibility.

You can find details of the grant under “View Current Opportunities” and then look for “Open Species Data”.

The closing date for applications is 18th August.

How to Register on Bravo

Register your company on the eSourcing portal (this is only required once) by following the steps below:

  • Browse to the eSourcing Portal: and click the link to register
  • Accept the terms and conditions and click “continue”
  • Enter your correct organisation and user details
  • Note the username you chose and click “Save” when complete
  • You will shortly receive an email with your unique password (please keep this secure)
  • Phone: 0800 368 4850; or
  • E-mail:

Please note that specific details of the grant opportunity are only available on BRAVO.



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