NBN Conference and Awards 2016

We are excited to announce that this year’s NBN Conference will be held in Edinburgh on the 17th and 18th November 2016.

NBN Conference theme

The theme of the conference is ‘Going with the flow’ – focusing on the stages of the data flow pathway throughout the two days.


We received very positive feedback from last year’s conference in York, especially in relation to the two day format and moving around the UK.  You asked for more interaction throughout the conference with increased time for questions, and for the venue to be closer to public transport links.  With this in mind we will be offering a two day conference within walking distance of Edinburgh Waverley Station. We will also be building more time for questions into the programme as well as regular breaks for networking.

UK Awards

Following its success in 2015, on Thursday 17th November 2016, we will be holding an evening reception for the UK Awards for Biological Recording and Information Sharing.

We are delighted that Swarovski Optik UK will once again be sponsoring these awards.

Swarovski logo


Save the date!

More details on the Conference programme, Awards, tickets and booking will be released in due course but, in the meantime, please make sure you save the date!


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