Over the next six months the National Biodiversity Network will be refreshing its strategic direction. Drivers for this refresh include the recent changes in NBN Trust staff, technological advances for biological recording and data curation and the ever changing landscape of biodiversity activity in the UK. The current strategy, published in 2010, is also 5 years old so a refresh is timely.
Work began on this strategic review over 18 months ago through two Extraordinary General Meetings (in Feb 2013 and Feb 2014). That led to the development of a draft skeleton structure for a new strategy.
The NBN Trust is now seeking input from Network members and from data providers throughout the UK. The objective of this engagement is to ensure as many members are listened to during the course of the strategy refresh (from the largest to the smallest recording schemes, from government agencies and non-government organisations to environmental planners and local authorities, and from universities and research institutes to ecological consultants). We want to hear the views of as many people and organisations as possible.
The Trust wants to develop a new strategy that can be owned by all Network members and one in which the roles and responsibilities are clear for those implementing its strategic aims and objectives.
Over the next four months the NBN Trust will be seeking feedback from members via questionnaires, phone interviews, workshops and face-to-face, organisation-specific meetings. We ask that, if you have thoughts or ideas about where the NBN should be headed, please respond to this forthcoming round of consultation which will commence in August 2014. The more engagement we have the more we will be able to develop an NBN strategy that is fit for purpose.
If you have a preference for how you would like to engage with this process please contact us at: support@nbn.org.uk