News and events
NBN Conference 2018 – presentations and photographs
Thank you to everyone who joined us on 21 and 22 November at the Albert Hall, Nottingham, we hope you enjoyed this year’s NBN Conference as much as we did!
You can read a selection of Tweets, which help to sum up the hive of Twitter activity from the two days on the Review page. Links to all of the presentations and a selection of photos can be found below.
Please help us in the planning of next year’s NBN Conference by completing our Conference survey, which should take no longer than 10 minutes to complete. Thank you!
Wednesday 21 November
Professor Adam Hart, University of Gloucestershire (Keynote speaker)
“Monitoring and the Public: A Beautiful Synergy – But Tread Carefully…”

Dr. Jagoba Malumbres Olarte, University of the Azores
“Making the most of BioBlitz: CEBRA – optimised and standardised sampling for citizen science”

Janice Ansine, The Open University
“ building and maintaining a citizen science community for biodiversity”

Dr. Rob Baxter, EPCC, the University of Edinburgh
“The Automated Data (Layer) Harvester – Adding scalability to the NBN system”

Gill Dowse, Scottish Wildlife Trust
“Introducing the Saving Scotland’s Red Squirrels Community Hub”

Laura McCoy, Manx Natural Heritage
“The launch of NBN Atlas Isle of Man and Manx Wildlife Week”

Dr Sara Goodacre, University of Nottingham
“Spider Science: from academic research to public engagement”

Thursday 22 November
Deborah Boobyer, Defra (Keynote speaker)
“Developing the indicator framework for the 25 year environment plan”

Jenny Dadd, Esmée Fairbairn Foundation
“A tour of a functioning funding ecosystem”

Rich Burkmar, Field Studies Council
“FSC Identikit – a tool for building online ID resources”

Rachel Tierney, Scottish Wildlife Trust
“The SBIF Review: Re-imagining our biological recording infrastructure”

Martin Lines, Nature Friendly Farming Network
“Making data work for farmers to help them improve biodiversity on their farms”

Paula Lightfoot, Newcastle University

“Joining the dots – A bigger, better, joined approach to prioritising Anglian Water assets”

Leonardo Gubert, Highways England
“Roadside biodiversity and conservation in the southwest of England”

Professor Jane Memmott, University of Bristol (Sir John Burnett memorial lecture)
“Ecology and conservation at the community level”

Dave Spencer, Arcadis Consulting (UK)
“Arcadis’ current and future plans relating to data collection”

“Adapting to change: Using technology to engage children with wildlife”

Stephanie Dickens, Capturing Our Coast, Newcastle University

Professor Bill Kunin, University of Leeds
“Shifting population and biodiversity patterns in a changing world”

Mark Gray, Welsh Fishermen’s Association
“Fishermen recording marine invasive species”

Knowledge Exchange Sessions

General photographs