Keep up to date with all the latest news and updates from the NBN Atlas.

Pond in the New Forest c.Naomi Ewald

Spatial layer update

Apart from holding species data, the NBN Atlas can also hold spatial data layers such as boundary, habitat and environmental data layers. These spatial layers…

Data quality tests

We’ve recently reviewed the data quality tests that are run on each record when the records are uploaded to the NBN Atlas. The aim of…


iNaturalist records on the NBN Atlas

There is considerable interest in sharing iNaturalist records on the NBN Atlas. As a trial, to help us understand the process and the type of information…

NBN Atlas News – October 2019

View the NBN Atlas News – October 2019 In this issue: NBN Sensitive Species Policy Review NBN Atlas development updates Spatial layer update Reviewing the…

NBN Atlas development updates

There have been many development updates to the NBN Atlas in the last six months. Here are some of the more important ones: Records supplied…

NBN Sensitive Species Policy review

The NBN Trust has a responsibility to ensure that steps are taken to reduce the risk of environmental harm due to the release of sensitive…

A more Agile way of working

Trello and how we use it for the NBN Atlas We’ve recently adopted a more Agile way of working where the development backlog is split…

Spatial layer update

Apart from holding species data, the NBN Atlas can also hold spatial data layers such as boundary, habitat and environmental data layers.  These spatial layers…

Conor Macauley, BBC NI Agriculture and Environment Correspondent at NBN Atlas NI launch

Launch of the NBN Atlas Northern Ireland

On Wednesday 29 May, the CEDaR partnership launched the NBN Atlas Northern Ireland, a new online platform that provides access to species- and site-based information from…

NBN Atlas Species Dictionary update

On 30 April 2019, the Species Dictionary on the NBN Atlas was updated with the latest version of the UK Species Inventory (UKSI 20190425161941 Master…

NBN Atlas News – Issue 1

We are pleased to bring you the first ever NBN Atlas News! With so many developments having recently taken place and with the wonderful news…

Enhanced access

Enhanced access to sensitive records

Records of sensitive species can be shared with the NBN Atlas at capture resolution and they are then ‘blurred’ on upload to a pre-agreed resolution…

New editing rights for data partners

New editing rights for data partners

Data partners can now edit their data provider and data resource metadata on the NBN Atlas. You can edit most of the information on the…

Flag an issue on an occurrence record

The NBN is committed to making high quality biological data available in order to educate and inform about the state of the UK’s wildlife. It…

Spatial Layer update

Written by Christine Johnston, NBN Atlas Project Officer Apart from holding species data, the NBN Atlas can also hold spatial data layers such as boundary,…

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