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Transformed Data Flows
Select a recommendation for full details and context.
We recommend: |
1. PRIMACY OF THE NBN & NBN ATLAS: The National Biodiversity Network (NBN) and NBN Atlas platform remain the primary place for the submission, dissemination and discovery of biological records and added-value datasets and services. |
2. AFFILIATION OF DATA SUBMISSION ROUTES: All biological records should be submitted online and channelled to the NBN Atlas via standard, affiliated routes. |
3. SINGLE, CENTRAL ROUTE FOR CASUAL RECORDS: iRecord should be the single, central affiliated channel through which to submit ‘ad hoc’ records for verification, inclusion in relevant National Recording Schemes and dissemination via the NBN. |
4. PRIMACY OF AFFILIATED DATA SUBMISSION ROUTES: Biological records for a specific National Recording Scheme, recording group, project or organisation should be submitted via their affiliated route. |
5. PROVISION OF RECORDS COLLECTED UNDER LICENCE OR FOR CONSENT/STATUS: Biological records collected with public funding, under licence, for Environmental Impact Assessment or planning consent, or for an academic or professional qualification, should be provided to the NBN Atlas as a matter of good practice. |
6. RECOGNITION & RESOURCING OF A CENTRAL DATA MANAGEMENT PORTAL: Recorder 6 and Marine Recorder should evolve to become the common, central data management portal for data custodians to collate, view and manage their own biological records and datasets (unless a suitable internal business system is used). |
7. RECOGNITION & RESOURCING FOR SUPER PARTNERS*: Super Partners should be fully recognised and sustained to a level that has the capacity to support verification on a major scale. |
8. SYSTEM SIMPLIFICATION: The systems and tools available for collecting, curating, aggregating and disseminating biological records across all environments (terrestrial, freshwater and marine) and sectors should be rationalised. |
9. ESTABLISHMENT OF AN NBN NATIONAL HUB: An NBN National Hub for Scotland should be established to support a network of NBN Regional Hubs and to facilitate the flow of biological records into the NBN Atlas to create a definitive evidence base for Scotland. |
10. ESTABLISHMENT OF A NETWORK OF NBN REGIONAL HUBS: A network of NBN Regional Hubs operating in partnership with the NBN Trust covering the whole of Scotland should be created. |
11. AUTOMATED USE FEEDBACK & SHOWCASING: Use feedback for Recorders and Data Providers should be built into all automated processes facilitated by the NBN Atlas |