***The survey has now closed. The University of Exeter and the NBN Trust would like to thank everyone who took the time to respond.***

The National Biodiversity Network Trust (NBN Trust) has teamed up with The University of Exeter to find out your experiences and attitudes towards iNaturalist.  Whether you use iNaturalist often or have yet to explore it we want to hear from you.

This survey will involve answering questions about yourself, your thoughts on your personal well-being and feelings towards nature, and your usage of the iNaturalist platform.

It should take approximately 15-20 minutes of your time to complete, and you can also choose to enter a prize draw for a £100 gift voucher or donate to a wildlife charity of your choice.

All users registered on iNaturalist and affiliated to iNaturalistUK as at 01 June 2024 will be sent a unique link to complete the survey. Please keep an eye on your inbox!

Whether or not you have used iNaturalist often, or if you have only signed up and not yet used it, your input is important. The results of the survey could help shape the future of biodiversity research as well as identify ways for us to engage more diverse users in biodiversity citizen science. All feedback will be extremely valuable.

The study is funded by the Natural Environment Research Council as part of the “Renewing biodiversity through a people-in-nature approach (RENEW)” project https://renewbiodiversity.org.uk/

In addition to this survey the researchers are also looking at the biodiversity data held on iNaturalistUK. We are sure that this will provide us with valuable insight into what iNaturalistUK users are recording, where, when and why. The aim is to allow us to plan how we can best support recorders and develop iNaturalistUK. It is anticipated that the initial findings will be available to share in early 2025.


If you have any queries about the survey or haven’t received a link to the survey please contact the research team iNatUK-survey@exeter.ac.uk

If you have not received a link please check your spam / junk folders. The email will be sent to the email address you registered on iNaturalist. This may be different to your regular email address.

The survey link is personal to you so please do not share it. The email will come from iNaturalistUk Survey <noreply@qemailserver.com>. The subject heading is Your Voice Matters: Help Shape the Future of Biodiversity Citizen Science

If you have not received a link please check your spam / junk folders. The email will be sent to the email address you registered on iNaturalist. This may be different to your regular email address. A survey will not have been sent to you if you were not affiliated to iNaturalistUK at 01 June 2024.

If you have created an account after 01 June 2024 and / or affiliated to iNaturalistUK site after that date you can still take part. Contact the research team with your iNaturalist user name and registered email address. iNatUK-survey@exeter.ac.uk

The survey was initially sent out in late July with a reminder sent on 21 August. A further 1 or 2 reminders will be sent out in September. It is anticipated that the final response date will be in October.

Full details of the survey including its purpose and how data will be collected and used will be set out in the survey introduction.

How to Affiliate to iNaturalistUK

On the website

Go to the ‘Account’ page under Settings. (This is accessed by using the drop down menu next to your image or icon on the top right of the page.) Select iNaturalistUK from the list in the dropdown box on the right side of the page.


Tip: Remember to log in via uk.inaturalist.org to receive UK specific announcements to your dashboard.

On the App
Go to settings and look for iNaturalist Network. Select ‘iNaturalist United Kingdom’ from the list.

Learn more about Network Affiliation