This is where we’ll share occasional articles and opinion pieces from the NBN Trust, SBIF as well as members and data partners across the Network.

If you would like to submit a blog post please contact Mandy Henshall for more information.

SBIF Co-Chairing Agreement

The SBIF Advisory Group and Working Group is now being co-chaired by Ellen Wilson and Gill Dowse. This reflects the close working relationship between Ellen…

Trailblazing in Scotland!

To find out what the Geospatial Commission thinks about SBIF (spoiler alert, “Trailblazing in Scotland”!) have a read of their blog about their recently published…

SBIF Gets A Mention

In the last couple of months, SBIF has been referenced in a major publication on the development of a single Scottish Biodiversity Indicator Development of…

SBIF Review update

The Covid-19 crisis has had an enormous impact on the world.  It has exposed our vulnerabilities and how deeply connected (or disconnected) we are with nature.  It has highlighted just how…

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