MeasuYear in Review iNaturalistUK 2023 iconring the growth of iNaturalistUK

Every year in December, iNaturalist produces annual usage stats – the Year in Review. Since December 2021 these have also been available for iNaturalistUK.

Watch the Year in Review Deep Dive
What impact did iNaturalist have in 2023? iNaturalist took a “Deep Dive” into the Year in Review (and year!) with 3 people who know iNaturalist well. Watch the recording to learn what you helped create and how you can get more involved!

View the stats

iNaturalist Global 2023 Year in Review

iNaturalistUK 2023 Year in Review

To view your personal Year in Review follow the link shown from the iNaturalist or iNaturalistUK Year in Review page or

To view stats from other years use the URL[YEAR]/[USERNAME]


iNaturalist Global 2022 Year in Review

iNaturalistUK 2022 Year in Review


iNaturalist Global 2021 Year in Review

iNaturalistUK 2021 Year in Review

To view any previous year for iNaturalist use the URL[YEAR] e.g.

iNaturalist data on GBIF

iNaturalist regularly shares Research grade observations with GBIF (The Global Biodiversity Information Facility.) View the UK stats.

View your observations on GBIF

Visit the GBIF website
Click on “Occurrences” above the centre search box
Choose “Advanced” in the left hand menu
Scroll down to find “Recorded by” and click the arrow to display the search box
Type your “Display Name” as it is on your iNaturalistUK profile

Click on your name to see full details of your observations. You can also download your observations.

Some headline stats for the year 2023

The figures for the last few years show that in the UK the number of users, observations and species recorded has continued to grow.

A new statistic included in this years review is number of users and how they interacted with iNaturalistUK. Around 76% only added observations while approx. 16% added only identifications. While around 8% did both.


Among the sightings that were the most ‘faved’ in 2023 are the glorious Parrot Waxcap (Gliophorus psittacinus) and what appears to be a biofluorescent Wood Mouse (Apodemus sylvaticus)

Global Stats

Globally over 41 million observations were made in 2023 of approx. 300,000 species including the newly identified Inimia nat (I. nat for short!) This species of Mantid has been named in honor of iNaturalist. Read more. 
World favourited images included an action shot of the Mountain Cottontail (Sylvilagus nuttallii) and the stunning Pacific Stargazer (Astroscopus zephyreus)

A new statistic for 2023 is the growth by country and the impact that each country had to the overall global growth. Users in the UK were 4th globally in helping to grow the overall use of iNaturalist.

It is worth reviewing the iNaturalist Year in Review and exploring the amazing observations from across the globe. Towards the bottom of that page you can find links to the other Network Member pages.

Are you a Seek user?

Seek also has a Year in Review just like iNaturalist! If you’ve made observations in 2023, you can view your Seek Year in Review from the home screen on the app for a limited time.


Highlights From 2022

The figures for the last two years show that the number of users, observations and species recorded has continued to grow.

For example In 2022 over 12,600 species were recorded which compares to 11,930 in 2021.

One of the most favourited observations from the UK was the Common Slowworm spotted in June – it was picked for iNaturalist’s global Observation of the Day. See the posts on TwitterFacebook and Instagram

In March, NBN Award winner, George Grieff’s observation of Don’s Thread-Moss observed near Bristol was iNaturalist’s global Observation of the Day. The posts can be seen on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

Highlights from across the globe include the striking Tropical Pill Woodlouse and the wonderful Usambara Eyelash Viper.


Sign up to iNaturalistUK today

If you haven’t already joined the growing community of iNaturalistUK users, why not sign up today? You too could have the observation of the day and see your records help to make data work for nature.