News and events
NBN Conference 2024 – Presentations
Thank you to everyone who joined us for this year’s NBN Conference on 21 November at the Merseyside Maritime Museum in Liverpool. It was great to see so many of you and we hope you enjoyed the day as much as we did.
More than 160 delegates joined us, so thank you very much for your support.
Links to all of the presentations from the Conference can be found below, which appear in alphabetical order. Each speaker’s name links to more information about them.
Keiron Derek Brown
Keiron Derek Brown, Recording Officer at the Earthworm Society – “Earthworms: Beyond the Record”.
Download Keiron’s presentation
Dr Emma Cartledge
Dr Emma Cartledge, Research Fellow, Nottingham Trent University – “Combining technology and citizen science to run a new National Hedgehog Monitoring Programme”
Download Dr Cartledge’s presentation
Lisa Chilton
Lisa Chilton, NBN Trust CEO – “Meet the NBN Trust”
Andy Cotgreave
Andy Cotgreave, Data Evangelist for Tableau. The Keynote address – “How to speak the language of data”.
Oli Grafton and Karen Kramer-Wilson
Oli Grafton, Principal for Citizen Science & Survey Partnership, Natural England – “Defra group, community science, survey, and assessment of nature and environment” and Karen Kramer-Wilson, Principal for Data Engagement & Analysis, Natural England – “Defra group, community science, survey, and assessment of nature and environment”.
Download Oli and Karen’s presentation
Elina Marielle-Doss
Elina-Marielle Doss, Merseyside BioBank Manager – “Data at your Doorstep – Insights into Local Data”.
Download Elina’s presentation.
Mel Hardie
Mel Hardie, Biodiversity Data Manager (NBN Atlas) – “A dip into the Data Lake; insight on the NBN Atlas”.
Ian Jackson
Ian Jackson, Formerly Information Director, British Geological Survey – “Digital rocks”.
Dan Lear
Dan Lear, Head of Data, Information & Technology at the Marine Biological Association – “FAIR Marine Biodiversity Data Excellence: from the UK to the UN”.
Professor Miles Richardson
Professor Miles Richardson, Professor of Human Factors and Nature Connectedness at the University of Derby. The Sir John Burnett Memorial Lecture – “Fixing our failing relationship with nature”.
Download Professor Richardson’s presentation.

Caleb Parkin
Caleb Parkin was our ‘Field Poet’ at the NBN Conference 2024.
Listen to Caleb’s poem (The volume is quiet, but audible). We will publish the printed version of the poem in the next week or so.
Discussion Panel

The following people participated in the panel discussion. There was no presentation for this.
- Martin Harvey, UKCEH Biological Records Centre (BRC).
- Dave Kilbey, Founder / CEO of Natural Apptitude / Coreo.
- Giselle Sterry, iNaturalistUK lead, NBN Trust.