This is where we’ll share occasional articles and opinion pieces from the NBN Trust, SBIF as well as members and data partners across the Network.

If you would like to submit a blog post please contact Mandy Henshall for more information.

QGIS – is there something missing?

The Field Studies Council is conducting an online consultation on the FSC QGIS Plugin which will be of interest to many across the NBN.  As…

Opening up our data

Scotland’s environment web is working with partners including NBN Atlas Scotland, to mobilise environmental data, extending its reach and influence by turning it into accessible…

Nature in the community

Redefining a nature reserve. Dr Adrian Cooper explains how 1,666 little green spaces in Felixstowe will help to boost biodiversity. Felixstowe’s Community Nature Reserve encourages gardeners…

Do you know What Works in Conservation?

This week sees the launch of ‘What Works in Conservation 2017’, the latest, updated book from the Conservation Evidence project. We all know that we…

The Páramo Story

We were delighted that Páramo sponsored the David Robertson marine prizes at the 2016 UK Awards for biological recording and information sharing.  Here is their…

NBN Atlas December progress update

Following on from last month’s NBN Atlas Blog, which we hope you found both interesting and useful, we thought it would be timely to give…

A time to reflect

Originally I had planned to reflect on the past 12 months, however over the past two months I have been reading a wide selection of historic…

NBN Atlas Scotland progress update

We have been continually collating and logging user feedback on the new NBN Atlas Scotland, and have been working hard with our developer over the…

Our Chairman’s welcome

A warm welcome to the National Biodiversity Network’s first blog! This is a place where we’ll share updates on the work of the Secretariat as…

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