Continue to grow the number of people involved in biological recording.

Why? Without engagement of new audiences and increasing recording capacity and capability the continued provision of high quality data will be compromised.

The NBN will Priority Time-scale Priority for 2016-2017
1. Develop and support learning programmes and systems for biodiversity identification High Ongoing Working Group 6: Captivating and engaging people

Working group 1: Quality control and verification

2. Research recorder motivation and demographics Low One-off
3. Attract and mobilise new audiences and demographics of recorders (e.g., through creating nature-recording ambassadors, promoting BioBlitz events, gamification and leader boards and promoting in education) and motivate to increase recording and sharing of data High Ongoing Working group 1: Quality control and verification
Working Group 6: Captivating and engaging people
4. Establish taxonomic group mentoring schemes High One-off Working group 1: Quality control and verification
5. Create a learning pathway to improve ‘new recorder’ skill levels through training and support from Network members High Ongoing


Current activity

Current activity Who’s involved? Next steps Timeframe
 Arrange first meeting of Working Group 6  NBN Secretariat, NFBR, GiGL, BSBI  Confirm date and venue  End July