About us
Rhiannydd Stock
NBN Atlas Support Officer
Email: r.stock@nbn.org.uk
Role at the NBN Trust
- First line support for NBN Atlas users, i.e., the first point of contact for anyone approaching the NBN Trust for help using the NBN Atlas, whether via email, the NBN Forum or the NBN Atlas social media platforms.
- Manage, update, and create NBN Atlas user information and guides.
- Provide support and work with the NBN Trust development team and NBN Atlas Data Manager, including testing updates and new functionality on the NBN Atlas and other NBN Trust applications.
- Support the NBN Trust Communications team in sharing information and updates about the NBN Atlas
- Support and collaborate with the NBN Trust Team.
About Rhiannydd
After finishing my undergraduate degree in Zoology, I went on to complete a 4-month internship as a Database Assistant Graduate Intern with RECORD, the Local Environmental Record Centre (LERC) for Cheshire. After finishing my internship, I continued to work at RECORD as a Database Assistant up until I joined the NBN Trust Team. Working at a LERC introduced me to the world of recording, and I am glad to say I am now a keen recorder (it’s very addictive!). I hope to encourage others to get involved in recording as well because environmental records are invaluable to learning more about nature and protecting it.