NBN Atlas is highly commended!
News: https://nbn.org.uk/news/nbn-atlas-highly-commended/

We were delighted that the NBN Atlas received a highly commended award at the CIEEM awards in late June. The … Continued

NBN Atlas Update
News: https://nbn.org.uk/news/nbn-atlas-update-10th-april-2017/

Transfers from NBN Gateway In total 701 datasets (71.8% of the 977 datasets publicly available on the Gateway), containing 55.6 … Continued

NBN Atlas tool for QGIS
News: https://nbn.org.uk/news/nbn-atlas-tool-qgis/

Since its initial release in 2014 the FSC TomBio plugin for QGIS has provided a convenient access to NBN distribution … Continued

NBN Atlas is CIEEM Awards finalist!
News: https://nbn.org.uk/news/nbn-atlas-cieem-awards-finalist/

The NBN Secretariat is delighted to announce that the NBN Atlas is a finalist in the 2017 CIEEM Awards. The … Continued

The NBN Atlas is now live!
News: https://nbn.org.uk/news/nbn-atlas-now-live/

As you will hopefully be aware, the NBN Atlas and NBN Atlas Wales went live on 1st April.  The NBN … Continued

NBN Atlas Wales
Page: https://nbn.org.uk/about-us/where-we-are/in-wales/nbn-atlas-wales/

The NBN Atlas Wales is a portal of the NBN Atlas. It offers the ability to create a Welsh view, bringing … Continued

NBN Atlas update – March 2017
News: https://nbn.org.uk/news/nbn-atlas-update-march-2017/

With three weeks to go until the NBN Atlas goes live, here is the latest update on developments. User testing From … Continued

NBN Atlas Update for Data Users
News: https://nbn.org.uk/news/nbn-atlas-update-data-users/

As you hopefully all know, the NBN Gateway will be decommissioned on the 31st March 2017 and the new NBN … Continued