NBN Trust Annual Report 2019/20

This review of 2019/20 focuses on “Consolidation”. It not only highlights the work of the NBN Trust, but also reinforces the Network working in partnership to support the NBN Strategy 2015 – 2020.

A few words…

A few words from our Chairman and our Chief Executive Officer.

“Peculiar and distant. That is the way it feels to be reviewing a pre-Coronavirus year from the perspective of a world that has received a pandemic jolt…. In fact, 2019/20 was a good year for the NBN Trust. The Trust’s CEO, Dr Jo Judge, and her team have pushed forward a myriad of important tasks and we have benefited from some financial stability afforded by the funding from the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation for which we are extremely grateful. In particular, in this report you will see the strides made in consolidating key aspects of the Trust such as the continued development of the NBN Atlas” – Neil Hodges, NBN Trust Chairman

Out of a number of presentations I made about the NBN Trust and Network in the UK, one I particularly enjoyed was at the Data Science Festival in London in April 2019. This provided engagement with a new audience, raising awareness of the whole Network and the data that are shared by the Network via the NBN Atlas to those who use data in innovative ways. Subsequently we have had three data science masters’ students undertaking projects with the NBN Trust, using the NBN Atlas data…” – Jo Judge, NBN Trust Chief Executive Officer.

Hints and tips for optimum viewing of the Report

The design of the Report follows that of last year making it a fully interactive document, with easy navigation through the different sections. The interactive PDF is best downloaded and viewed in Adobe Acrobat.

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