Recorder 6 Licence Payments

Note on Payment: Payment by card / PayPal is the preferred option currently. If an invoice is required and is the only option please see instructions towards the bottom of this page. 

Beginning in 2019 an annual licence fee has been introduced for Recorder 6. The licence fee applies for the duration of the financial year (1 April to 31 March) and will give users access to dictionary updates and any new releases.

Users can continue to use existing copies of the software without paying the licence fee but will not be able to access any further updates.

(Information on how to purchase a new copy of Recorder 6 is available on the Recorder 6 Consortium website.)

The fee for existing users remains unchanged for 2025 – 2026

  • Organisations with full-time paid employees: £250, to cover all the organisation’s copies [site IDs]
  • Individuals and voluntary organisations without full-time paid employees: £25 per copy [site ID]

Please note that this payment is not subject to VAT.

If you have any questions about which category your use of Recorder 6 should fall into, please contact the Recorder 6 Steering Group at  You may also wish to refer to the Recorder 6 Steering Group Terms of Reference.

Payments need to be made using the links below and must be paid in full before the licence key is issued. Once payment is received an email receipt will be sent to the email address provided on the billing/payment page stating the order has been completed. 

The email receipt will include a comment box where you will find the licence key. Please make a note of this licence key as you will need it to access Recorder 6 dictionary updates and new version releases.

Before commencing your purchase please have the following information

  • Site ID (also known as the “Copy Identifier”, your Site ID can be seen on the “Welcome” screen when you log into Recorder 6, or you can find it by clicking on “Help >> Summary Info”)
  • Recorder 6 version number (you can find this by clicking on “Help” >> “About Recorder 6”. It’s the first version number in the list, starting with ‘6’ something)
  • Purchase Order Number if required (if paying by invoice – please see further instructions below plus notes if you need to set us up as a new supplier.)
  • Email address that invoices need to be sent to.

Purchase Licence (using PayPal, card or invoice)

Buy – Individual Licence 

Buy – Organisation Licence 

Please note that the NBN Trust is only collecting the licence fee on behalf of the Recorder 6 Steering Group. We are unable to answer any technical or general queries relating to Recorder 6.

If you have any queries relating to your payment only, please contact

Queries regarding the Recorder 6 licence fee or arrangements for maintenance & development should be sent directly to the Recorder 6 Steering Group via .

Technical queries about Recorder 6 should be posted to the Recorder 6 forums.

Further support

Recorder 6 Forum

Help Documentation

Trello Board

Payment by invoice

You still need click on the ‘Buy’ link above to complete the online form. If you are selecting to pay by this method please note that your order will not be marked complete until payment is received.

If your organisation requires the NBN Trust to be set up as a new supplier please consider payment by card as an alternative. If paying by invoice is the only option please help us by completing new supplier forms as fully as possible before sending to us at

Details you may need include:

NBN Trust – Registered in England and Wales – Company no.3963387 – Registered charity no. 1082163.
Registered office of the NBN Trust: 27 Old Gloucester Street, Holborn, London WC1N 3AX

The NBN is not VAT registered.


Contact Name: Sarah Hyslop

Telephone: 0115 8500177