This National Biodiversity Network Action Plan 2016-2020 sets out the commitment NBN Trust members and data partners will make to deliver the NBN Strategy.

This plan describes the 95 actions that the NBN Secretariat and Network members have proposed are necessary to achieve the Network’s vision, aims and objectives. The new Network vision is that “Biological data collected and shared openly by Network members are central to the UK’s learning and understanding of its biodiversity and are critical to all decision-making about nature and the environment”. The 21 objectives of the NBN Strategy are listed in this document and for each, a number of actions are identified. For each action the relative priorities and the timescale over which the action should be undertaken are provided. A consultation process will establish the roles and responsibilities of NBN members in delivering these actions.


National Biodiversity Network Trust members collaborate to set standards for data exchange, to raise awareness of the importance of biological recording of the UK’s wildlife, and to collect and share biological records and information. All Network members, including many of the largest wildlife charities and non-governmental organisations, local environmental record centres and national schemes and societies in the UK, as well as government agencies, research institutions, students and members of the public, are identified as having key roles in the implementation of this action plan.

NBN Action Plan 2016 – 2020

NBN Action Plan Table of Changes March 2016