The National Biodiversity Network Trust (NBN Trust) is a small charity with a big plan – to make data work for nature.

For twenty five years we have been making biodiversity data accessible to support better decisions about the natural world and to connect people with nature. But there’s so much more to do. If we’re to succeed in reversing the collapse of biodiversity, our decisions must be based on the most complete and highest-quality evidence. This is where the NBN Trust, our network and our members can truly make a difference. We’d love you to join us, so that, together, we can achieve even more.

These NBN Trust videos explain about our work and how you can get involved – as a member, as a supporter, or as a wildlife recorder.

Making data work for nature – National Biodiversity Network (NBN) Trust

Making Data Work For Nature (Short version) – National Biodiversity Network (NBN) Trust

Would you like to help nature? A really important part you can play is to get outdoors and observe wildlife. But, if you go one step further and record what you see it means you’ll be providing data which is vital for protecting the UK’s wildlife. It’s easy to get started, it’s fun, it can be good for your health and it means you’ll be doing “your bit” to help protect and restore our precious wildlife.

Watch Liz and Kenn’s stories and let them inspire you to get involved, along with thousands of other volunteers, in our mission to make data work for nature.

NBN Trust – Wildlife recording – Liz’s story

NBN Trust – Wildlife recording – Kenn’s story

Watch the other videos we have on our YouTube channel