About us
Objective 5C
Provide leadership in coordinating and growing the NBN
Why? Providing leadership for the NBN is key to ensuring that the Network as a whole is supported in all aspects from sending and managing data on the NBN Gateway to networking opportunities. Having a strong leadership role from within the Trust will ensure that information can be shared, joint funding and contracts can be negotiated and all partners can work together to achieve the aims of the NBN Strategy.
The NBN will | Priority | Time-scale | Priority for 2016-2017 |
1. Promote the NBN Strategy as the vehicle for collaboration over biological data collection, sharing and use | High | Ongoing | Working group 7 – Supporting and developing the Network |
2. Engage and involve all NBN Trust members in delivering the Strategy | Mission Critical | Ongoing | |
3. Develop sustainable business models for delivery of the NBN work programme (including national to local levels) | Mission Critical | Ongoing | Working group 7 – Supporting and developing the Network |
4. Develop and implement a sustainable funding model for the NBN Trust and prepare a medium-term financial strategy | Mission Critical | Ongoing | |
5. Develop alternative funding streams for NBN Trust and its members to reduce dependency on government funding | High | Ongoing | |
6. Clarify Network roles and membership to promote ownership and engagement by the member organisations | Mission Critical | Ongoing | Working group 7 – Supporting and developing the Network
NBN Membership review workstream |
7. Develop NBN Trust data management and dissemination policy for UK | High | One-off with review | |
8. Bring together individuals and organisations involved in biological recording, curation, aggregation, analysis and use of data through the networking and coordinating role of the NBN Trust | Mission Critical | Ongoing |
Current activity
Current activity | Who’s involved? | Next steps | Timeframe |