Enable and facilitate permissionless innovation by data users.

Why? Interpretation of data requires technical skills and support that are not always available to all data users. Data use will be increased if the NBN Trust provides interpretation, analysis and visualisation services that help answer questions or help inform practical issues such as planning or conservation management decisions. Value may be added to biological data by integrating it with environmental and other spatial layers and so provide services to increase end use of that data.

The NBN will Priority Time-scale Priority for 2016-2017
1. Provide data interpretation, analysis and visualisation services to meet NBN user needs, including the adoption of existing open source data visualisation systems. Moderate Ongoing Working group 5: Increasing use of our data
2. Publish data quality measures for records and data sets High One-off
3. Continuously improve web services, support their uptake and develop a tool to allow the creation of a local cache of data, built off the NBN Gateway data High Ongoing
4. Organise events (hackathons etc.) to engage with data managers, developers and coders to develop new tools Moderate Ongoing  Working group 5: Increasing use of our data
5. Create an NBN Toolbox for data analysis and interpretation and support tool creation Low One-off


Current activity

Current activity Who’s involved? Next steps Timeframe