As we are running the NBN Conference online this year, we have a number of virtual rooms in addition to the main Conference “lecture theatre”.

Links to the various rooms can be found below and should be used to navigate your way through the day as required. They will also be sent to you in your joining instructions a few days before the Conference, although they will not be “live” until the day.

NBN Conference 2021 Live – Link to the main MS Teams Conference area, where all of the rooms below can also be found.

  1. NBN Conference Networking Room – this?is a place for networking and general chat among delegates.?It is the first room that we recommend you go to. Your mic will be unmuted so you can chat with colleagues. In the coffee breaks, the Conference Team will facilitate small group chats in break out rooms. Look out for members of the team who are there to help with this.
  2. NBN Conference Lecture Theatre – this is the main area for the Conference and where all?the presentations will be made.? This will be staffed throughout the presentations and questions logged accordingly. This room will be recorded. Delegates’ microphones will be muted and video cameras turned off. The NBN Trust AGM and NBN Awards for Wildlife Recording will also be in this room.  For the AGM, links to the previous minutes and NBN Trust Accounts are available on the NBN Trust AGM page. If you are attending the Conference you can attend the NBN Awards, which follow at 16:00.
  3. NBN Conference Help Desk – this room is for general queries about using Microsoft (MS) Teams, the Conference programme or navigating around the Conference. It will be staffed at the start of the day and during coffee and lunch breaks. Your mic will be unmuted so you can ask questions or chat with the team
  4. NBN Atlas Information Desk– this?is for queries about using the NBN Atlas or sharing data.?It will be staffed at the start of the day and during coffee and lunch breaks. Questions can be left in the Chatbox or Google Doc throughout the day and as many as possible will be dealt with when it is staffed. Your mic will be unmuted so you can ask questions or chat with the team.

See below for the programme timings and links to the relevant rooms:

 Time  Session  Link to meeting
 09:30 – 09:45  NBN Conference Networking Room NBN Conference Networking Room
 NBN Conference Help Desk NBN Conference Help Desk
 NBN Atlas Information Desk NBN Atlas Information Desk
 09:45 – 11:10  Morning presentations (session 1) NBN Conference Lecture Theatre
 11:10 – 11:25  Tea / coffee break
 Networking NBN Conference Networking Room
 NBN Conference Help Desk NBN Conference Help Desk
 NBN Atlas Information Desk NBN Atlas Information Desk
 11:25 – 12:30  Morning presentations (session 2) NBN Conference Lecture Theatre
 12:30 – 13:15  Lunch
NBN Conference Networking Room NBN Conference Networking Room
 NBN Conference Help Desk NBN Conference Help Desk
 NBN Atlas Information Desk NBN Atlas Information Desk
 12:45 – 13:00  NBN Trust AGM NBN Conference Lecture Theatre
 13:15 – 14:25  Afternoon presentations (session 1) NBN Conference Lecture Theatre
 14:25 – 14:40  Tea / coffee break
NBN Conference Networking Room NBN Conference Networking Room
 NBN Conference Help Desk NBN Conference Help Desk
 NBN Atlas Information Desk NBN Atlas Information Desk
 14:40 – 15:45  Afternoon presentations (session 2) NBN Conference Lecture Theatre
 15:45 – 16:00 NBN Conference Networking Room NBN Conference Networking Room
 NBN Conference Help Desk NBN Conference Help Desk
 NBN Atlas Information Desk NBN Atlas Information Desk
 16:00 – 16:45  NBN Awards for Wildlife Recording NBN Conference Lecture Theatre
 16:45  End of Conference and Awards


Download a PDF of the table showing the sessions and room links.

Google Docs for asking questions

As well as the Chatbox in MS Teams we are also providing a series of Google Docs (this terminology is explained in the Information for Delegates). Links to these are shown below and will also be available in the Chatbox on the day.  When you have clicked on any of the links below, you then need to click “Open Google Docs” and you will be taken to an editable document where you can type your question:

Morning session 1

Morning session 2

Afternoon Session 1

Afternoon Session 2


NBN Atlas Information Desk

NBN Conference Help Desk

NBN Awards

If you have any problems with accessing any of the rooms on the day or are unable to access the Chatbox to ask questions, please email