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Discussion and Opinion Papers
This section of the Archives lists some discussion and opinion papers about the biodiversity data community.
2015: JNCC terrestrial surveillance: evaluation and developing a future strategy
This paper describes the JNCC-run terrestrial monitoring schemes, biological recording, analytical work and the development of Earth Observation. It describes the outcomes of consultation with the country nature conservation bodies, bilaterally and jointly, and identifies three key issues requiring resolution. These key issues are described as three scenarios to aid consideration of the balance of risk, benefit, opportunity and cost.
- 2015: JNCC terrestrial surveillance: evaluation and developing a future strategy [PDF, 15pp, 104kB, accessed from JNCC website]
2013: Biodiversity data should be published, cited, and peer reviewed
- 2013: Biodiversity data should be published, cited, and peer reviewed
Reference: M.J. Costello, W.K. Michener, M. Gahegan, Z. Zhang, P.E. Bourne (2013). Biodiversity data should be published, cited, and peer reviewed. Trends in Ecology & Evolution. 2013. 28:8, 454-461
2012: A change in funding directions: implications for biological recording. Roger Morris
- 2012: A change in funding directions: implications for biological recording. Roger Morris [PDF, 9pp, 719kB, accessed from bacoastal.co.uk]
Reference: Morris, R. (2012) A change in funding directions: implications for biological recording. British Entomological & Natural History Society 25: 143-151
2010: Obtaining the benefits from Biological Recording. JNCC
This paper was provided to the Joint Committee for decision/discussion or information. Please refer to the minutes of the meeting for Committee’s position on the paper.
- 2010: Obtaining the benefits from Biological Recording. JNCC [PDF, pp, 275kB, accessed from JNCC website]
1996: Biodiversity data on the internet, cornucopia or confusion?
The range of information on biodiversity information currently available via the Internet is reviewed and its accessibility, usefulness and relevance to biodiversity research and to policy decision making assessed. Commercial and non-commercial databases are reviewed. The future of information via the net is also reviewed, in particular the role of the ‘Clearing House Mechanism’ of the Convention on Biological Diversity and the Biodiversity Conservation Information System.
- 1996: Biodiversity data on the internet, cornucopia or confusion? [PDF, 11pp, 1209kB, accessed from Convention of Biological Diversity website]
Reference: Carling R.C.J. and Harrison J. (1996) Biodiversity information on the Internet: cornucopia or confusion? Biodiversity Letters 3: 125–135.
1984: Local records centres and environmental recording – where do we go from here?
This paper discusses the problem of Local Record Centre and What can be done (The local approach, The National Approach). The report also contains two appendixes: Appendix 1 “What contribution can a local records centre make to the local environmental network?”), Appendix 2 “ Aims and Functions of a National Federation”
- 1984 – Local records centres and environmental recording – where do we go from here? [PDF, 10pp, 4228kB, accessed from NatSCA website]
Reference: Copp, C.J.T. (1984) Local records centres and environmental recording – where do we go from here? Biol. Curators’ Gp. Newsletter, 3:489-497.