Sir John Lawton FRS – NBN Conference 2019
On the morning of Wednesday 13 November, Sir John Lawton FRS will give the following keynote address:
“Thoughts from a boy birdwatcher, bug-hunter and botanist”. The talk will explore the importance of amateur recorders (‘citizen scientists’) in monitoring and protecting the UK’s wildlife through the eyes of a passionate natural historian and conservationist.
John is NBN Trust Patron, President of Yorkshire Wildlife Trust and Vice-President RSPB. He is a retired environmental scientist. He was Chairman of the Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution (2005-2011), Chief Executive of NERC (1999-2005), and Chair of Making Space for Nature (2010). John trained as a zoologist at Durham, and subsequently held posts at Oxford and York Universities, and Imperial College London.

Read more about the other NBN Conference speakers.