We are almost coming to the end of the first academic year of the Nature Park! We’re encouraging schools, nurseries and colleges that have been taking part this year to celebrate all of their achievements so far.

Webinar: End of year celebration

Join project partners as we look back on the last year and hear from some of the staff and students who have been following the Nature Park process in their schools. There will also be time for a live Q+A at the end with staff from across the Nature Park partnership, including the Natural History Museum, Royal Horticultural Society and Department for Education.
Wednesday 17 July, 16.15 – 17.00 

Webinar: Evidencing biodiversity gains through the National Education Nature Park

The Government-funded National Education Nature Park supports schools across England to record habitats and biodiversity on their school sites and take action to enhance their site for nature. Postdoctoral Researchers at the Natural History Museum, supported by partners including UKCEH, NBNT and the RHS, will be analysing this vast dataset to evidence and examine nature recovery within heavily used sites such as schools.

Join us for a webinar with Q&A on Thursday 18 July at 16:15 to hear more about our plans for the research, onward data sharing, and how your organisation might engage with or benefit from this scheme.

Register here.

Pollinator Count

Buzzing for the summer? Get involved with the Nature Park’s first biodiversity survey and contribute to scientific research! By counting pollinators on your grounds, you’ll get an idea of which insects are currently using your site and establish a baseline that you can compare to in the future when you’ve made some changes to boost biodiversity.

Six ways to celebrate the Nature Park

As we approach the end of the first academic year of the National Education Nature Park, we reflect on what a year it has been. Over 2,800 schools, colleges and nurseries across England have signed up.
From giving out certificates in an end-of-year assembly to making your own zines, check out the six ways to celebrate the Nature Park in your school.