FSC – Discovering iRecord (Week 2)

Online (via Zoom)
Monday 27 November 2023, 13:00
Monday 27 November 2023, 14:00

Week 2, of a 4-week online course, taught by Keiron Brown.

Biological recording is the activity of recording information on where a living organism, habitat or community is found, when it was seen and by whom. Biological records inform wildlife monitoring, research, nature conservation and policy, as well as helping to engage the public with nature and developing wildlife survey and identification skills.

iRecord is a free tool created by the Biological Record Centre to support naturalists and biological recording schemes and societies. It facilitates the submission of biological records into the complicated network of organisations that make up the UK’s biological recording community. It is an ever-evolving platform with many features and an ever-expanding user base, including over 700 registered record verifiers that contribute their taxon-specific expertise into the verification system.

This course will introduce learners to the basics of biological recording, such as grid references, data flow and verification. In addition, the course will give those new to iRecord (or those existing users that struggle with the platform) an introduction to the basic features of the platform and instil them with confidence when using iRecord to submit biological records.

  • 4-week online course for adults, with a weekly time commitment of 3-5 hours.
  • Access to study content, activities and tutor-graded assignments through the FSC virtual learning platform that can be studied and fit the lessons around your own schedule.

For more information, and to book, please visit the Field Studies Council website.

Please note that bookings will close at 9:00am on Monday 6 November 2023 to allow for all participants to be enrolled to the online platform – bookings will not be taken after this time.  Bookings will close sooner, if course capacity is reached.

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