Buglife – How to create, enhance and manage habitats for pollinators

Ballalan House
Wednesday 20 March 2019, 10:00
Wednesday 20 March 2019, 15:00

A FREE workshop on how to create and manage grasslands and other habitats for pollinators.
Pollinators are vital in the production of many of our fruits including apples and strawberries, many of them are also visually very attractive.

There are over 4,000 species of pollinating insects in the UK and this includes bees, flies, butterflies, moths and beetles! Many of these are in trouble due to the significant decline in habitat: We have lost over 97% of our species-rich grasslands in the UK since World War two.

This free workshop is an opportunity for landowners and community groups to learn how to create and manage grasslands and other habitats for pollinators. This workshop will provide information on the best plants for pollinators, sourcing plants and techniques to create, enhance and manage habitats.
This event will include both indoor and outdoor activities. Please bring along your lunch, sturdy footwear and warm clothes.

This is a free event, but booking is required.

For more information, contact Suzanne Burgess on 01786 447540 or suzanne.burgess@buglife.org.uk

Ballalan House

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