Pseudoscorpion Recorders Group

The UK (and Ireland) Pseudoscorpion Recording Scheme has been running for a many years originally under the direction of the Records Centre at the former ITE Monks Wood Experimental Station. The first atlas showing the distribution of the species was produced in 1984 using the Institute of Terrestrial Ecology (ITE, Monks Wood) data by the then recorder, Philip Jones. Philip transferred the scheme to Gerald Legg who later digitised the thousands of punched card records from ITE. Gerald, who was Keeper of Natural Sciences at the Booth Museum of Natural History, Brighton until his recent retirement, runs the scheme from home. Details are available at where images of the species, distribution maps are available.

Pseudoscorpions are so called because of their superficial resemblance to scorpions. Pseuodoscorpians are a species of spider.
British Isles
British Isles
Pseudoscorpion Recorders Group
Dr Gerald Legg

How to get involved

Gerald is only too happy to identify specimens sent to him (please be sure to let him know the location information (grid reference or postcode) and date of collection so that your record can be added to the national database). His contact details are below.

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