Orkney Biodiversity Records Centre

Orkney Wildlife Information & Records Centre contains a wealth of wildlife information suitable for private study, environmental assessments, planning applications, student projects or development proposals.

Orkney Biodiversity Records Centre
How to take part:
Sightings can be submitted all year

How to get involved

One of the things that the OWIARC encourages is the recording of the wildlife that you see around you every day. It is not always the rare visitor that is the most important species to record but rather the recording of species around us that can build a comprehensive picture of the natural world that we live in. This knowledge in turn will aid in the decisions, which may affect habitats and species, on and around Orkney.

To make a record we need at least four basic pieces of information:

What – The name of the plant, animal or insect. Common name and/or preferably the scientific name.

Where – The location at which the sighting was made. This should be if possible the nearest name to the sighting on an Ordnance Survey map, along with a 6-figure grid reference.

When – Date of the record, ideally written as dd/mm/yyyy.

Who – Name of the recorder. If someone identified or confirmed the record for you please include their name.

Any other information that you give will add to the value of the record e.g. the habitat where it was found, number seen, male or female, stage of life cycle or behaviour. If the data is confidential please let us know.

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