National Plant Monitoring scheme

The National Plant Monitoring Scheme (NPMS) is a new habitat-based plant monitoring scheme. The aim is to collect data to provide an annual indication of changes in plant abundance and diversity. The scheme allows a good understanding of changes in the populations of birds, butterflies and bats. Plants are the foundation of habitats and ecosystems, but currently we do not have a good measure of changes in plant populations across the country.

Go to the National Plant Monitoring Scheme datasets on the NBN Atlas

Vascular Plants
Coastal, Farmland, Grassland, Heathland, Towns and Gardens, Plantation and orchard, Upland, Wetland, streams and rivers, Woodland
British Isles
British Isles
The National Plant Monitoring scheme is designed by BSBI, CEH, Plantlife and JNCC and Biological Records Centre.
How to take part:
Sightings can be submitted all year

How to get involved

Anyone interested in nature who can identify plants, or who is keen to learn. Different levels of participation ensure that all who are keen can participate: you do not have to be an experienced botanist. You will only need to identify between 25-30 ‘indicator species’ per habitat. These are distinctive species specially selected to allow us to monitor changes in the countryside.

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