British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) – House Martin Survey

We need to discover more about House Martins to help us identify why they are declining and provide scientific evidence to help inform policy decisions that could reverse the declines. The House Martin survey over the next two years will collect more information on population size, breeding ecology and habitat preferences, so we can begin to tackle some key questions about the House Martin.

House martin
Coastal, Farmland, Towns and Gardens
UK wide
UK wide
British Trust for Ornithology
How to take part:
Coincides with the time when house martin first broods were in their nests

How to get involved

In 2015 the nationwide random square survey will involve volunteers visiting 2,000 – 3,000 ‘random’ 1-km squares throughout the UK. By surveying random squares we can produce a robust population estimate to monitor future changes. In 2016 the Nest Monitoring Study will involve volunteers making regular observations at individual nests to collect information about nesting activity. This study will be ideal for observers who have nests on their home or place of work including those who contributed to the 2009-13 survey.

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