About us
5. Supporting and developing the Network
The National Biodiversity Network has continued to grow since it was set up in 2000, and now has over 180 members.
This Working Group
This working group is being established as a contribution to fulfillment of the NBN’s Strategic Aim 5 “Support the development of the NBN, its Board and its members”.
This work will be coordinated by the NBN Secretariat, and will be focused largely on actions that relate to the efficient running of the NBN Secretariat and the support and growth of the Network.
Group Focus
This group will focus on the following actions:
- Deliver a programme of training and events to support the network
- Raise the profile and awareness of the NBN and promote the benefits of being a NBN Trust member
- Promote the NBN Strategy as the vehicle for collaboration over biological data collection, sharing and use
- Develop sustainable business models for delivery of the NBN work programme (including national to local levels)