Promote the NBN and increase participation through membership and sponsorship

Why? The NBN Trust currently has over 130 members but there is still limited awareness of the NBN in the UK and what it does. There are many organisations and people that may want to become members that would help diversify the funding base. Increased participation makes the NBN Trust more attractive to sponsors.

The NBN will Priority Time-scale Priority for 2016-2017
1. Promote the NBN by explaining what it is, by profiling member organisations and the important work they do and show how non-experts can participate High Ongoing
2. Promote the value of NBN Trust membership through advertising the data providers, specific projects and events High Ongoing
3. Develop and promote the NBN brand Mission Critical Ongoing


Current activity

Current activity Who’s involved? Next steps Timeframe
 NBN members promoted on NBN website NBN Secretariat Maintain members’ list Ongoing
Membership review underway NBN Secretariat, Trustees Full consultation November 2016
Increasing social media engagement to raise NBN profile NBN Secretariat, Members Ongoing