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Scottish Marine Biodiversity Data Review
High quality, current and accessible marine species and habitat data are essential to support marine environmental policy and planning decisions. Achieving greater exchange and interoperability of data within the marine sector will help support the transformation required to meet the ambitious commitments set by Scottish Government to reach Net Zero-emissions by 2045 and tackle both the climate emergency and biodiversity loss.
An investigation of the terrestrial and freshwater Biological Recording Infrastructure in Scotland was undertaken by the Scottish Biodiversity Information Forum (SBIF) and published in 2018 (the “SBIF Review”). NatureScot commissioned this comparable analysis, as an adjunct to the original SBIF Review, for Scottish marine biodiversity data. The aim of this marine review was to explore and determine limitations to the existing infrastructure, through engagement with key stakeholders, and present recommendations that will make the management and use of marine species and habitat data more consistent, joined up and accessible to the marine community in future.
Find out more and read the report on the NatureScot website – “NatureScot Research Report 1304 – Scottish marine biodiversity data review – stakeholder analysis to inform the marine species and habitats data infrastructure and management requirements for improved availability, accessibility and use in Scotland.”
Read the news article on the NBN Trust website.
View the high level and summary recommendations.