2015 NBN Conference – save the date!
News: https://nbn.org.uk/news/2015-nbn-conference-save-the-date/

We are well underway with plans for this year's Conference and are delighted to let you have some of the topline detail so that you can put the date in your diary!

100th member of the NBN Trust
News: https://nbn.org.uk/news/100th-member-of-the-nbn-trust/

The Field Studies Council is proud to become the 100th member of the NBN Trust! 

November 2014 NBN eNews
News: https://nbn.org.uk/news/november-nbn-enews/

Discover what's in this issue by clicking the link above.

NBN Conference – book now!
News: https://nbn.org.uk/news/nbn-conference-bookings-are-open/

Space on the 14th NBN annual conference is filling up fast!  Chief Scientiftc Adviser at Defra, Professor Ian Boyd will deliver the keynote address.

NBN Conference report and presentations
News: https://nbn.org.uk/news/nbn-conference-report-and-presentations/

Read the review of the NBN Conference, download the presentations, view some photos of the day and watch the video.

Wildlife Law
Events: https://nbn.org.uk/event/wildlife-law/

Wildlife Law with IEEM